Tips and techniques on selecting, rehearsing, and performing monologues for auditions.
Common pitfalls in auditions and practical tips on how to sidestep them.
Discover tips for creating high-quality content, and writing winning pitches to land paid collaborations.
Interviews with casting directors sharing what they look for in auditions and how actors can make a positive impression.
Perfect for aspiring actors looking to land a role in Disney movies, TV shows, Broadway productions, and theme park performances.
Deliver scripted messages, representing brands professionally.
UGC Creator
Energetic Voice Actor
Fashion, Beauty, and Luxury Lifestyle Influencer
British Spokesperson
Actor, Singer, Songwriter
UGC and Short Form Content Expert
Model, Travel & outdoors, former NBA dancer
Fashion Model and Actress
Dancer & NFL Cheerleader
Voice Actor
Luxury Travel Content Creator
Fashion and Fitness Model
Model & Content Creator
Polish Actor and Model
Ukrainian Spokesperson
Video Spokesperson, Voice Over, Actor
Ukrainian Actor and Model
Singaporean UGC Content Creator and Spokesperson
Beauty, Fashion, Lifestyle Product Model
Personal Trainer / Fitness Model / Athlete / Actress
New York based Model, Actress, Content Creator, Speaker
Artist, Songwriter & Producer
Serbian Content Creator
Actor and Spokesperson
Model, UGC Creator
Swim, Fitness, & Fashion Model
Fashion, Beauty & Lifestyle Content Creator
Personal Fitness Trainer and Model
Fashion, Beauty and Fitness Creator
Beauty Content Creator, Make-Up Artist
Spokesperson, UGC Creator
American Spokesperson
Model, Actor and Content Creator
Model and Creator
Actor and Model
Fitness Beauty and Health Influencer
UGC Creator, Dr of Physical Therapy
Model & Influencer
Lifestyle, Wellness, and Travel Influencer
Venezuelan UGC Creator
Singapore UGC Creator
Dubai based UGC Creator and Model
Micro Influencer, UGC Creator
Canadian UGC Creator
Model and Actor
Female Spokesperson
UGC Creator, Musician
UGC Mom Creator
Published Model Former NBA & NFL Cheerleader and Content Creator
Brazilian UGC Creator, Model
Miami based Fashion Model and Creator
Model, Influencer
Brand Content Creator
TVC Talent, Video Host, Model
Malaysia-based micro-influencer
AZ UGC Creator
American Content Creator
Brazilian Model and UGC Creator
Lifestyle Content Creator, Fashion Model, Fitness Influencer
Polish Spokesperson
Youthful and friendly teen and millennial voice actor.
Nigerian Model and Spokesperson
Actor, Comedian
Brazilian UGC Creator
Venezuelan Model
Fashion Model, UGC Creator
Health Coach and Outdoor Adventure Content Creator
Lithuanian Model and UGC Creator
Fun model & content creator
Female Voice Actor
Fitness/Lifestyle Content Creator
Health, Beauty, Fashion
Fitness content creator and model
Model and Influencer
German UGC Creator
Fashion Model
Content Creator
Travel UGC Creator
Spokesperson and UGC Creator
Spokesperson and Marketing Expert
Spokesperson and Voice Actor
Producer, Actor, Comedian
UGC Creator, Spokesperson and Marketing Strategist
Model, Actor, and Creator in France.
Commercial Model
Public Figure, Beauty Queen, Model, Creator